Business Engagement in Humanitarian Action

The Business Engagement study group empirically analyzed the different methods for and areas where business and donors engage. It provided an overview of the different forms of business-donor interaction and analyzed the opportunities and risks of business engagement in relief and preparedness efforts.

Broadly speaking, four different types of business-donor engagement exist:
•    Commercial Business Engagement in Disaster Preparedness
•    Non-Commercial Business Engagement in Disaster Preparedness
•    Commercial Engagement in Disaster Response
•    Non-Commercial Engagement in Disaster Response


The study group produced five outputs: four case studies and a summary report.

Each case study focused on one of the four main areas in which businesses and donors engage, collecting and analyzing empirical material from the field in order to determine how businesses and donors can work together more effectively.

The summary report focused on donor policies towards business engagement, their strategies for engaging with business, how business engagement helps meet donor aid goals, and what tools they use to monitor and evaluate business engagements.

To download the concept paper for this study group, please click here.

For more information, please contact Kelly Johnson.